Friday, March 26, 2010

Stream Netflix

I signed us up for Netflix about a month ago because they were going to start streaming movies through the Wii in the "spring". We have a Wii, and I figured having this option would be a great way to watch more movies and not have to go out to rent them. We also get one movie at a time mailed to us for a total of $9 a month.

So today our disk arrived that allows us to stream movies. It's awesome! Right now we are streaming Elmo's Adventures in Grouchland and B is loving it.

So my joy is in the streaming disk. I love to watch movies, and it is a nice way for Jason and I to always have something at our fingertips for quiet time together away from our computers :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010


B got a bath tonight. Now that I have figured out how to put her in the bath without the world's pretty fun.

She went through a phase where she hated the bath. It came out of nowhere, she just hated it. So one day I let her stand there as I drew the bath. I splashed in it a little then put her in. Suddenly...she was having fun in the tub.

So tonight was a bath night. It's awesome because she laughs, splashes enough so we are both wet, and just in general has a blast. I had so much fun watching her play and splashing her. That bath time was most certainly the joy in my day today :)

I know...I'm late!

Yep...I know, I'm late on the entry for yesterday. But...that is why I am joyful.

I decided last night that I wouldn't be on my computer for long. Once dinner was on plates my computer was shut off for the night. I just enjoyed relaxing. Dinner was very tasty and easy, I finished it off with the last piece of chocolate cake, and I enjoyed watching Survivor with my hubby.

The joy in yesterday was closing the laptop and just fully relaxing. So yes, the post is late, but it's late because of my I'll give myself a pass on that one ;)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So my joy today is in learning of something to come. I have been thinking about it non stop since last night.

Jason and I take Bailey with us, and we spend a week each summer volunteering for a Christian retreat camp for High School age kids. CAMPS (Christ As My Personal Savior). I went as a high school student, and have staffed many's wonderful and we are so glad to do it as a family.

Each year has a different theme, and I learned the theme for this year last night....Fearless! I can't tell you how excited I am by this theme. I am literally jumping out of my skin excited for it.

In the last year or so I've become more fearless in my faith, and I have fully experienced what awesome things that has done for me. I am beyond excited to witness others learn the same lesson and be able to stand tall and strong in their faith and relationship with Christ.

I must admit, the excitement of this theme has brought me to tears at moments. I'm this inspired by it and we haven't even had our first staff meeting yet!

The hymn "Be Not Afraid" has always been one to make me cry. Not because it is a funeral song...but because it is so empowering. It is our Father's message to us that we don't need to be afraid...he is with us!!! It is an exciting song, not a sad one.

I was also excited for the theme as it relates to my favorite verse in the bible. Romans 8:31, "What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?" How amazing is that?!! To me it gives me the power to say BRING IT ON every day.

Fearless is an amazing way to live. It's joyful, loving, and exciting!!! So be fearless in God's love for you. He will guide you and love you in ways you could never imagine.

I like to reflect on the lyrics of a Tom Petty me it relates to being fearless in faith.

Well I won't back down
No I won't back down
You can stand me up at the gates of hell
But I won't back down

No I'll stand my ground, won't be turned around
And I'll keep this world from draggin me down
gonna stand my ground... and I won't back down

Chorus:(I won't back down...)
Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
(and I won't back down...)
hey I will stand my ground
and I won't back down

Well I know what's right, I got just one life
in a world that keeps on pushin me around
but I'll stand my ground...and I won't back down

Monday, March 22, 2010

cuddles, snuggles, and giggles

B didn't sleep well last night, so she was tired earlier tonight but really not wanting to go to bed.

She was very cuddly because she wanted to fight going to sleep. She would get down off the recliner, run around, then come back for a hug and a snuggle. A few times I would tickle her and she would just laugh and love it.

These times won't always happen as she grows older, so I love it when they do. The day just seems to fade away and I love those moments with her.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

her laugh

It has been beautiful out for a few days now. We took that as our opportunity to go to the playground with B. She's been on the playground twice a day at school, and we have brought her Friday, Saturday and would think she would be over it. But she loves it!

She loves the slide, and general running around, but what she laughs the most at is the swing. She would laugh and laugh with a huge smile on her face. B just loved being pushed on the swing...don't we all.

Her laughter was the highlight of my day today. It was a nice Sunday (I love Sunday), but her laugh in the swing was just amazing. To see how much she loved it brought me so much joy, and I loved being there watching her enjoy it.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The swimming class that almost wasn't

We signed B up for a swimming class. Water babies! It's something for B and I to do on Saturday morning when Daddy has to work, and it will end just when it's time to start spending time in the pool at Grandma and Papa's.

The first class didn't go so well...she cried through most of it. I figured it was because she bumped her foot getting in the pool or the water was a little chilly. We went back today hoping for the best and a new approach to getting a longer nap and snacks before class. Well..we got dressed and went out to the pool area..she was doing fine. Until she saw the pool and started crying immediately. Grandma was there to watch and it was a surprise to both of us since she spent so much in time in the pool last summer. I worked with B to try a gradual approach into the the hopes by the time class started she would be good to go. The outlook was not good. Then something amazing happened. Bailey saw a friend from her classroom at daycare. She immediately stopped crying. Her friend Ava was in the same class!!

Ava got in the pool too, and suddenly B was ready to go. She did everything in the class all while smiling and laughing. A total 180 from when she saw the pool at the start of the day. All it took was her friend Ava.

The joy was in seeing my daughter see her friend from school, and it immediately calmed her. She was fine because her friend was with her. It shows me how friendships are important from such an early point in life. Treasure them, and love them. Friendships bring you so much joy, and ease any anxiety about the pool!! It was wonderful to see one of Bailey's friendships at work. It was a wonderful blessing today.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Today the joy was in going to the playground with my little girl. I picked her up from daycare and we met the hubbs at the playground. It was awesome.

B had a fantastic time, and we had a great time with her. She LOVED the slide and kept going up and down. Watching her have so much fun was a blast for us.

So many times we are told that amazing things can be found through the eyes of a child. It's just so true. It was the highlight of my week to spend some time outside with my little girl on the playground.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


TV is my guilty pleasure. Not just one show...TV in general. Perhaps that's why I was a Communications major in college.

TV is just an awesome escape for me. I can zone out, relax, and get involved with the story of the shows I enjoy.

Again, a simple thing...and this time a bit of a guilty pleasure. But it's just awesome to me. Whatever your escape is, it is a blessing. We all need something that allows us to check out a little bit. Something that can relax our mind and help us settle from the day. TV does it for me...and it brings me lots of joy.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Good Book

It's Saint Patrick's day...that in and of itself is a joyful thing. Come on...Irish music, beer, and a happy Kathleen :).

But...that's not the reason for my post today. I keep sticky notes at my desk with places to find bible verses I like. I don't reference what they are about, and my memory stinks too much to remember just by looking at the place to find them.

Today at work is annoying. There are just days like that here, and they are no fun. So I did a google search for a bible verse I have referenced on a sticky note.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (New International Version)
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Seriously!? It was so perfect to read today at work. I was finding myself annoyed, and I hate being like that. This verse was the perfect wake up call. Give thanks in all was like God saying, "Come on Kath...suck it up and rise above!!"

So I am making the choice to be joyful, to give thanks for all things today. He spoke to me exactly when I needed it...he's good like that ;)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Crazy Couple Days

Oomph! I just haven't been on my computer at home enough to blog about my joy. Sunday and Monday were a bit nuts, but I'm back on track now. Woo hoo to that!

So I'll break each day down to talk about the joy I found.

Sunday: My joy was in my family that day. I visited a friend who's son is in the hospital. It is a place no child should ever be. Thankfully Jason was able to come in with me, and what a blessing that was. It was a quick visit, but hard. I was so glad to have my husband with me to talk about it after and hug each other. We both gave our little girl big hugs and kisses when we picked her up from Grandma's!

We had a nice dinner with my mother in law, and it was just a good day for family. My family brings me constant joy, and without them my world just wouldn't be as great.

Monday: My joy was in the GPS! It had rained for 3 days here, and roads were flooded. My normal way into work was going to be flooded, and it wouldn't be safe to bring my car through it. So the GPS was my joy. I was able to plug that sucker in and have it direct me a new way to work. I got to work on time, and didn't have to drive through any major puddles. It was a pretty awesome thing on a very rainy day.

That brings me to today! Today my joy is in forgiveness. Forgiveness from our God and from ourselves. I had to forgive myself for not being on point with my blogging lately. It's such a simple thing, but being something I am doing for Lent it is important. I had been thinking about what to post, but not following through. I had to forgive myself for it and get right back to it!

God forgives us for more mistakes than we even know we make. It is awesome to know that we are so loved and perfect to him in our imperfection. That in itself brings me more joy than I can even explain.

So back to it....there is joy in every day!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Another double day!

Last night I realized I had forgotten to write after I was all tucked in my a double entry. But..where I realized I forgot to write was a huge amount of joy. I love being in my bed. It is so darn cozy!! I get myself all tucked in, hug a pillow, and it's pure bliss. I settle my mind and my heart, and it is so relaxing. I love it!!

Today my joy was in a trip up to Burlington. I don't often get up there since we live on the south shore now. I went there for one thing, but figured I would make the most of it while it happens! I hit up the Gingerbread Construction Company and bought muffins, and had a big score at the Christian Book and Supply store. Veggie Tales movies were on a big time sale, and I bought Bailey a book called "I Love You More Than Rainbows". All in all a pretty awesome trip...and Bailey had a great nap on the way.

Joy is's all in where we find it :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I get such a rush from getting a good deal. I feel so excited that I was able to get something needed and save some bucks while it happens. Today I had one of those moments.

I joined the CVS Advisory Group...if you aren't in it...join up. They send you surveys and for filling them out you get extra bucks to use in store. If you qualify for the survey you get more than if you don't, but just for seeing if you qualify for the survey they send you get some extra bucks.

So today...I had 5 extra bucks from a I had a $4 off a $20 purchase. Woo hoo!! I went in and got things we needed in the house...and some pretty smelling night time bath soap for B. Some of the things I got were even on sale beyond my when all was said and done I saved $13.50 in one visit!!

It just felt good to get things for the family, and save the family money all at the same time. There was a big smile on my face as I left CVS today!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

music makes it all happen

I love music. Thankfully I am able to have it on in my office.

Today I had lots to do at work, but nothing overly stressful. Mostly just paperwork that had to get done. But, I had my secret weapon to make it all go by quickly. Music!!! I put my Ipod in my Ihome (oh Apple and their love of "I"). I had tunes going all day, and it was great. It made time go faster, and it took a not so fun task and made it a lot more bearable. Gotta love my full up Ipod!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

outside with B and the dog

Wow...I had a blast when I got home from work today.

It was really nice weather again, so when I got home with B we brought the dog out. We spent about 20 minutes outside, and it was the best part of the day. B and I threw the ball for Tessie to chase, laughed a ton, and ran all over the back yard. By the end of our time outside all three of us were worn out in a great way.

Again, such a simple thing...and it was a blast. It was a blast for more than just me. It was a blast for B, and it was a blast for Tessie. How awesome is that?!?!

Monday, March 8, 2010

an open window!

Spring is's so close, I was able to open my window at work today!!!

Today was close to 60 is so wonderful to have these first warm days. It means spring is close!! Spring is a time for renewal. New flowers, buds on trees, sheding of winter coats.

The open window just felt awesome. To feel the breeze in my office was a glorious thing. Such a simple thing. No cost, no grand gestures, just the breeze through an open window. I loved it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

missed yesterday...for a good reason :)

So I missed yesterday, but I didn't forget to think about my joy. So this will be a double entry!

Yesterday, my joy was what kept me from putting up my blog yesterday. Hubbs and I spoke recently about having one night a week where the computers aren't touched. We watch a movie, play Wii, anything but turn on the computers. It makes sure that we don't just get sucked into the technology around us when we want to unwind every night.

So last night my joy was in that night. We watched a movie together, and just enjoyed the peace of the evening. It was awesome.

My joy today was in being able to be outside!! Spring is near...while it isn't here full time yet, it's getting it's "legs". It was just beautiful, and I took advantage of it. Bailey and I had such a nice time playing outside. We used her new ball, played with the dog, and just enjoyed not being inside the house all day. It is so nice to see spring so close, and that it happened on a weekend when B and I could enjoy it so much :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

the giggle of a child

Today was another fairly uneventful day...uneventful that is other than the giggle of a child. That was a massive amount of joy for me today.

It was just a normal day for me today. It was nice, it's Friday...all good things. The part that brought me the most joy today was my daughter's laugh. She played with my husband tonight, and she just couldn't stop laughing. There was such joy in that laugh, how could I not feel it?

B has one of the greatest laughs I have ever heard. No matter when I hear it I am filled with ultimate joy. It's a wonderful moment that everyone should have...the laughter of a child is just such a beautiful and joy filled thing.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Site I Visit Daily

I have a website that I visit every day. It is a website I love to visit, and no matter what is happening in the day it brings me joy...or just extra joy.

The website is:

It is a wonderful place to go to every day. It means that every day I read God's word. I read his messages to me, and they are awesome. It is a wonderful reminder of his love and enhances my relationship with him. It keeps me focused on what is important...and all of that brings me joy.

Today's verse is one of my favorites:

"Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

This verse is so joy filled to me! Don't hold back, don't be afraid...I AM WITH YOU. That is what this verse tells me. No matter what I do, my Lord is by my side cheering me on and keeping me safe. I can't imagine anything but joy in that fact.

So I encourage you to read It is a site that is just great. It takes me just 5 minutes to read it, and it's 5 minutes that focus me on the day ahead. It reminds me of what is important and it always brings me joy.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Just a nice day

You know, nothing of note really happened today, and that in itself is my joyful moment. I had great moments with Bailey, relaxed with my husband, had a good and productive day at work.

My joy today was in the peace. I am able to end my day with a sign of contentment and peace. That is never a bad thing.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's All In The Relationship

Today at work was not overly fun. The bosses were being nit picky, and it was just frustrating. Mountains were made of mole hills, and it was a day we were all glad when the bell rang.

However, the joy in my day came in the midst of all that. My joy today was in my relationship with God. It's days like today that truly show me how valuable it is.

I don't love my job, and every day I say a prayer before walking into the office. I pray for a day where I can focus on work, patience, and to be joyful in knowing I am providing for my family. I also made sure to pray before going into a meeting I wasn't looking forward to with my bosses (that whole mountain with the mole hill thing). That time of prayer just settles me and puts me in a place where I don't let myself get angry when most of the people in my office would in the same situation.

My relationship with God gets me through tough times. They don't have to be major times, they can be nothing more than frustrating times. That is what work was today, but because of my relationship with God I am able to get through those times and not let them get me down.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I totally thought I knew

While I go through my day I pay attention to things trying to figure out what I will write about each day. Today I thought I had it all figured out. I knew that my husband was working late tonight, so when Bailey went to bed I would have 2 hours to myself. I was SO sure that was going to be my joy today...having that quiet time for myself. As a mother and wife it doesn't come often. most things when we try to figure them out beforehand...I was wrong. Yet again..B brings the joy.

I picked up Bailey and was holding her while I spoke with her teacher. Bailey has said "Mama" many times. But...something about the way she said it today made my world stop. I was holding her, and she looked right into my eyes and said "Mama". It was the most perfect moment of my day. Just her, looking directly into my eyes and saying "Mama", made my world stop.

It was the most amazing moment ever. It totally trumped all expectations of what I thought my joy would be today. While the time by myself was wonderful, it paled in comparison to that one moment with Bailey today.